So Faith prompted a good discussion, which is what her wish list would be for cast changes on SNL this upcoming season...

The people on the cast of SNL are I think almost the same. Andy's staying. I think a black female will be introduced.
- Abby Elliott
- Bill Hader
- Seth Meyers
- Nasim Pedrad
- Andy Samberg
- Jason Sudeikis
- Kenan Thompson
- New Cast Member to Play Obama
- New White Guy
- New Female Cast Member
So Kristen already said she'd come back, and we know Bobby wouldn't miss it. Plus I don't know why Fred would leave. Will Forte is also missing from this list.
Basically, my best guess is that Fred, Will, or Kenan would be the next to go (and I'd be fine seeing them all go, although I have to admit that each has some hilarious bits).
This is what I'd miss from them...
Fred Armisen: His Surface Map bit he did on Weekend Update a few years back was hilarious. His Governor Patterson makes me laugh every time, and his Native American comedian (Billy Smith) is amazing. Nicholas Fehn proves that he's got skills. His Garth and Kat bit is amusing, but even then I'm laughing at Kristen and Seth. Most of the other times I'm just not laughing at his jokes, including his Obama (it's more the writing that's funny than the performance), Telemundo stuff, Elinda Node (court stenographer), and Roger Brush (producer that takes over talk shows). The dude has 77 impressions, but none of them are memorable to me. After 8 years, he could probably go soon.
Will Forte: It's his Weekend Update songs that I'd miss, but he doesn't do them very often. I like his dancing coach bit, and MacGruber is always amusing. I think the MacGruber movie bomb is juat a perfect example that his humor is just a little too weird for people to connect to him (as well as his Brothers Solomon bomb). His Bon Jovi bit is amusing, but really his Carl (annoying Office guy), Clancy T, Greg Stink, and Tim Calhoun just further show that his comedy is more "weird" than "funny." His Goerge Bush wasn't much of an impression, and it got replaced by Jason (and Will Ferrell guest appearing) there at the end. I'm surprised that they kept him around for 8 years, with him not touching bases with his audience, but there are occasionally strokes of genius like his Megan Fox digital short where he was socially awkward and dumped her and his Chips skit where Jason Sudeikis played like a Colonel Sanders engineer. Will has also been around for 8 years and could probably go soon.
Kenan Thompson: He pretty much saved himself with Diondre Cole's "What Up With That?" this past season. His DJ Dynasty Handbag, Grady Wilson, Jean K Jean, Lorenzo MacIntosh, Oscar Rogers (Fix It), and Virginiaca Hastings walk the line between mildly amusing and "make the pain stop!" I love his Bill Cosby and Whoopi Goldberg, but most of his other 64 impressions are just him.
But with Kenan as the only black member, Fred doing most all the cold openings, Will playing a lot of the straight guy and every-man characters, and the fact that none of them have other options to go to, it might be awhile longer before they leave. Plus it doesn't look like Lorne has a bunch of hot shot young actors to bring in and mix it up, like he did in 2005 with Kristen, Andy, Jason, and Bill (which would mean more of a reason to phase out the older actors).
Other thoughts:
- I agree that they could get another black actor or actress on the show.
- I agree that another Obama impressionist would be good (AlphaCat is the most famous and Obama's personal favorite).
- I don't think they will or should lose Bobby or Kristen (or Abby or Andy, for that matter).
- I'm on the line about Jenny Slate. Her commercials are funny, but she still hasn't proven herself. However, I think Nasim Pedrad is the next Cheri Oteri, so they should definitely keep her.
- I would like to see more new blood (new actors), because Bill and Jason are also starting to run out of jokes and steam.
- Of the non-featured players, I think only Andy Samberg and Kristen Wiig still have momentum and steam in their characters and digital shorts.
- Seth Meyers should stay, of course. He's becoming a cultural icon.
So what do you think?