Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Epic 4G , Galaxy S Android 2.2 software update

Android software update - thats where Samsung completely lost in the recent past.Samsung is known as the makers of feature rich phones with very good hardware but something that pulled down Samsung lately is their poor software support.
When Samsung announced the Galaxy S lineup in New York this past June and said they would update them to Android 2.2, I never imagined it would take them till 2011 to accomplish that goal. We had the expectation that those updates would occur in September, but month after month passed and no OTAs were delivered.

HTC pushed out the first round of Android 2.2 updates in about six weeks, so we have absolutely no idea why Samsung was unable to keep up.

It looked like the Epic 4G might be the first Galaxy S phone in the United States to see Android 2.2, but Sprint pushed back the update and only said it would be available “sometime in the near future”.

At the end of the day, I don’t see the situation improving any time soon until consumers start to demand (aka purchase) phones with the latest version of Android. Samsung hit their goal of becoming the top manufacture of Android phones in the U.S., so there is little reason for them to change their current strategy.

The number of upset customers is certainly growing, but I’m not sure if Samsung has received the message yet. As we approach the next-generation of Samsung devices, the biggest question (among the hardcore crowd) will continue to be their commitment to providing software updates in a reasonable time frame.

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