Friday, June 26, 2009

there goes the king

So most of the world is mourning from the sudden death of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Children and teenagers might not know who this king is but to most baby boomer gen like you and me, he’s the one who shaped the pop culture of the 70’s.

I – or we- grew up to the tune of his billie jean, dangerous, thriller and many other of his upbeat tunes. At one point in my geeky young life, I also tried once to imitate his moonwalk but soon realized i’m destined not for the spotlight but for other more mundane endeavors.

What’s more endearing to me though are his slower songs like ben when he was still a cute, black 10-year old boy and the later heal the world and man in the mirror when he’s already on his way to being a white, zombie-like creature.

And that’s where I’ve fallen off the MJ fan wagon. I just thought he was spiraling down after being on top for the longest time. I watched with amusement, sometimes with disgust as papers and television splash ugly headlines about the once-golden boy of the entertainment industry.
The baby-dangling stunt in Germany, the sleepovers with young boys, the court trials for sexual abuse, the news of financial debts and as a whole, the disintegrating grandeur of his entire iconic persona. I just don’t believe it’s worth following someone who’s obviously on the path of self-destruction. Besides, I didn't find his crotch-grabbing dance move amusing.
But whatever scandal, intrigue, malicious rumors and accusations hurled against him, we can’t deny the fact that he’s one musical genius who has graced the surface of the earth. His name will forever be etched at the halls of the greatest, probably alongside John Lennon and Elvis Presley. Afterall, he still owns the record of biggest selling album of all time. 65 million copies. And nobody comes even close.
And oh yes, everybody will forever be thankful to MJ for making moonwalk possible anywhere, you don’t have to go to the moon to do it.
Rest in peace you MJ.

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