from recruitment specialist to accountant, safety engineer to secretaries, the adiks is a merry mix of individuals whose personalities are so different there's just a few things common among them - food, talk and laughter. everyone loves to talk, dine-out, laugh, talk and laugh some more. no matter how mundane, no matter how serious, no matter how trivial, there's always a reason to enjoy the moment and pull a good laugh out of it.
jun the accountant is the jester among the group. he has a comic timing plus the most absurd ideas that never fail to make the group holler. although i would say he's a chameleon coz he jokes a lot and seem to be the most carefree person among the group and yet hides a very analytical mind under the thick afro-style hair. jeezz, he was a varsity chess player during his college days! actually, he never bragged about it until he won a local tournament just recently hehehee.
matt the vince
vaughn look alike secretary of loss control department is a neophyte photographer who's already working wonders on his lens. he maybe a newbie but the talent and creativity is already showing - his shots look more like those of the seasoned lensmen. photography may be an expensive hobby but if you have talent like this guy, it will soon pay off. just look at his sample shots here and you'll see what i'm babbling about. heeyyy... calling publishers and editors - one talent over here!!! (matt don't you ever forget i'll be your business manager! hehehee).
neil, the deceptively boyish-looking secretary (deceptive : looks young but with two kids already! hehehee), 'the bunso' of the group in terms of his cute (or should i say vertically challenged hehehe) height, is already jetting to international competitions via his prime note ensemble - an all-male choir championing the innate musical talent of pinoys.
and who does some mean powerpoint presentation? no one tops ega, the safety engineer, who's also the 'staff me' authority of the group. he's not just a safe guy, he's flowing with creative juices as well.
and let's not forget the spiritual leader of the group - raoul the recruitment specialist - whose sunny personality and bible-guided wisdom keeps the group afloat (aside from the pasalubongs from pinas huh). and when the jokes turn astray, his 'hush' will always bring back the adiks to the boundaries of normalcy.
and then there's orlee. ah well... orlee? i know some of his talents but i'm afraid i can't blog it! hehehahaha... peace orgee!
and of course, there's ren who's probably the only health buff among the group (so, anyone else who jogs regularly like this guy?). irwin who's the cool, silent guy but blurts out witty and hysterically funny one-liners from time to time. rommel, the 'mister pogi' of the group who, according to his room mates, cooks some yummy stuff though i still have to taste his 'ginataan'!. and oh, before i forget - ariel the singer whose version of reasons can easily give erik santos a run for his money!
i like this group. easy, fun loving individuals whose conversations generally veer away from things that should be left in the office after working hours. afterall, we've labored far more than enough for the day. so let's talk about something else. that's where the adiks are best!
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