Monday, May 31, 2010

Andy Samberg's Movie Update - "A$$ Backwards"

So, what do we know about A$$ Backwards?

According to Wikipedia, the film was written by Casey Wilson and her Upright Citizens Brigade colleague, June Diane Raphael, co-writers of Bride Wars (the Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, and Candice Bergen comedy).

Casey and June nabbed supporting roles in the film.

So that hit has given them a few new projects, including this project, which they put together as their first starring roles. And if that's true, and they are still set to star in this film, then they will be joined by a stellar supporting cast, including...

Anne Hathaway (obviously they met on Bride Wars)

Anna Faris (June and Casey are reworking scripts for her)

Kate Hudson (obviously they met on Bride Wars)

Andy Samberg (our hero)

David Cross (Arrested Development)

Amy Sedaris (from Strangers with Candy)

Stephen Colbert (Strangers with Candy, Daily Show, SNL, and Colbert Report)

Abby Elliott (Yay!!! Abby's first film!)

Meanwhile, Casey and June are also lining up "The Bachelorette Party," starring Jennifer Garner and Anna Farris. It's being described as "The Hangover" for the ladies. So that one's more likely to be the hit they need to keep going, and it's likely to make them a hot commodity... writers who put together successful female comedies (which is pretty rare, because I'm not including rom-coms/romantic comedies that also rely on the male leads).

Thanks to Anony for pointing out some of this info.


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