Friday, December 25, 2009

have a real christmas

our company hasn't announced our bonus until now so huge question marks are hanging above our heads at the moment. will management be generous enough to give out bonus despite the global recession and stuff that went on for the bigger part of the year? hope so.
but bonus or not, christmas is here and we should not forget that this season is not about the dollars going ka-ching in our bank accounts. whether we were able to buy that blackberry or that 52-inch bravia we've always been drooling for. we shouldn't get caught on it. coz we all know that these are just trappings that trivialize the real meaning of christmas. so no big deal if we're still stuck with the old and worn-out tv or celphone we've been using. it's not what real christmas is all about anyways.
it's about being grateful for Jesus' coming into the world. so that we can be redeemed and stay in our sometimes ungrateful existence in this world. and it's about family staying strong, healthy and happy. it's about being one with the people we love and care for most.
and with that, i'm really very happy coz i got the best christmas gift - my mom's cheerful voice when i called her this morning. despite the weariness brought about by old age and sickness hitting her every now and then, her hanging on for yet again another year gives me the warmest feeling which is the best thing in the world for me right now. thank you God for letting her stay with us for another christmas and very positively, another new year.
so let me greet you all a merry christmas with a fervent hope that we all would remember what real christmas is about. it's about the people we love. and there's no dollar sign attached to it!

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