Friday, April 10, 2009

what's good in it?

It’s Good Friday once again. That day every year that reminds us of the greatest story of sacrifice ever told. Jesus dying a ruthless, humiliating death up on the cross. All for the love of mankind.

But just one quick thought: why is it called Good Friday? It’s the death of Jesus and yet we call it good? Isn’t this one big misnomer?

What’s good about having Jesus being tortured, bearing a heavy cross on a long walk towards his death? What’s good about the Roman centurions piercing his flesh with their spears, breaking his bones and drawing that holy blood? What’s good in those nails that kept him dangling until he gasped his last breath?

So you'll say that it's good coz it redeemed our souls? That if Jesus didn't give up his life then we all are condemned to eternal hell? Is that what you mean by good? Well, isn't that the a bit insensitive and selfish?

Why can't we call it something more appropriate. Like Mournful or Black Friday. Anything that shows our appreciation of Jesus' sacrifice. Call it anything else but not good. Coz to me, we're no less barbaric than the centurions who nailed Jesus to the cross if we call this day good. He died because of our sins. So be more appropriate. And calling this day Good is so inappropriate.
Ah well, it’s just a simple thought, a rather trivial question. But I think it only highlights the fact that we have swallowed all that’s been passed on to us as the truth. We believed everything our parents, grandparents, parish priests and catechism teachers taught us. We believed it because it’s what our tradition, religion and beliefs told us.
Pardon me but I just can’t help but ponder deeply when it comes to faith. Coz I believe that blind faith is just as bad as having no faith at all.

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