Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the continuing saga of the flying shoes

it's been a week since george w bush ducked for life when he was attacked by a shoe-throwing iraqi reporter but it looks like media hasn't gotten enough of it. not yet anyway. news channels are still running follow-up reports regarding the incident.

today, what's riding in the popularity of that rather awkwardly funny but definitely embarassing incident is the shoe-making factory in turkey who claims that the pair of shoes that flew bush's way was one of their products. and they are not just riding on it, they are cashing on it.

the manufacturer say they received orders for 370,000 of model 217. a quantity that is more than what they have produced for a good half of the 10 years that they are in the shoe-making business.

my first reaction is that it is understandable if the orders are coming from within the arab region who has the strongest sentiments against the american president. but if we will believe the manufacturer's statement, he was getting large orders not only from the arab region but all over the world, united states included.

if that is the case, it looks like it is not just the iraqis who sees bush as a villain. being unpopular is one thing. being hated is another. and being humiliated in front of the world is an entirely different story. what a sad way to exit a post that is supposedly the most powerful in the world.

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